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Step 9- Carry On

This may seem like an unnecessary step in the process, but it is also one of the most important.   We use the term “carry on” to indicate to people that we want to get back to business and that this counseling session was just that, a counseling session with the expectation that the behavior will change and that we support the person, so unless the behavior doesn’t change, we will just carry on with our functions, jobs, lives, etc.

It is important for the counselee to know that the performance counseling was part of your function as a supervisor, and that now the power rests in their hands to follow through with the performance counseling plan.  The supervisor should not bring up the counseling again unless there are subsequent issues or in reviewing the behavior at a later date to show that the behavior did, in fact, change. 

Here’s how it may sound in real life: “Chris, I appreciate the time and working with me on this, and unless we have to revisit this issue, as far as I’m concerned it is over.”  This statement sends the message that the choice is now up to “Chris” to make the changes, and unless the supervisor “has to revisit this issue” then it will not be brought up again by the supervisor.   The only thing left to do is make sure the documentation is done and properly stored.

The nine steps of the S.C.O.R.E. Performance Counseling Method©, when used in the suggested manner will lead you and the counselee to a mutually agreed upon, behavior based, supportive, clear, organized, redirection plan, with effort from both the counselee and the counselor.   In using each of these steps the usual failures, as reported by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management are no longer failures, but become an effective behavior changing plan to help influence the behavior of individuals, teams, and the organization, to achieve organizational goals.

Documentation of the implementation of these steps is an important process for ensuring the behaviors are in fact changed, in the event the employee changes positions or assignments, or supervisors, etc.

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