Step 7 - Review
Probably one of the easiest, but also one of the most important steps is to review the entire counseling session with the employee to ensure that they understand what has happened, and you understand what has happened, as well as giving each person a chance to clarify any misunderstandings prior to finishing the counseling session.
The review step is just that, a simple synopsis of what was discussed, what the plan has in it, how it will be implemented, as well as the employee’s perspective. This is an excellent time to again use the active listening skills, ask any clarifying questions, and use paraphrasing to ensure the messages communicated were received correctly by both participants.
If everyone is reasonably comfortable with an acceptable working plan and that it has been reviewed, acknowledged and understood by everyone, then it is time to move on and implement the plan. Remember, it is not about the person, it is all about the behavior, so focus on the behavior being changed and move to the next step of providing a supportive closing.